Site icon J-TSOON | Pop-culture Festival, Tallinn

Anti-Harassment Policy

Anti-Harassment Policy

Our team is dedicated to providing a safe and harassment-free space for all visitors and participants at the event. We do not condone inappropriate behavior of any kind and are committed to taking action against it. If you have experienced or witnessed such behavior, whether by participants or staff members, please report it to us. You can do so by emailing or by contacting any staff member at the event. If the misconduct involves a staff member, you may report directly to security or use the provided email address. Rest assured, we treat all reports with confidentiality and will take appropriate measures to address the situation. If we work together, we can ensure a respectful and welcoming environment for everyone.

You may provide information or any screenshot you deem necessary as proof of misconduct that you’ve witnessed or something that you’ve experienced personally.

This behaviour policy applies to everyone at the event and within the online J-TSOON community.

Individuals who are reported or seen engaging in any behaviour deemed inappropriate or harassing will initially receive a warning to stop their actions. However, if they are reported again, they will be escorted out of the event and subsequently can lead to a ban from any future events. If they are escorted from the event for creating dangerous/uncomfortable situations for others, no refund will be issue.

If you’ve encountered any of the listed examples below, do not hesitate to let us know! 

Examples of such misconduct:

  • Bullying
    Bullying at conventions includes harassment, verbal abuse, stalking, and exclusion. Online, it involves trolling, spreading rumors, creating a hostile environment and affecting attendees’ safety and enjoyment.

  • Unwelcome Sexual Advances
    This includes making overt sexual propositions or advances towards someone without their consent or interest. Examples include groping and attempts at kissing a person without their consent, persistently asking a cosplayer or a kpop dancer for their contact information after they have expressed disinterest, making inappropriate comments about their costume, the character they cosplay, their appearance, or trying to initiate intimate physical contact, such as hugging or touching, without their explicit consent.

  • Inappropriate Sexual Comments and Suggestions
    Making comments or suggestions of a sexual nature that are unwanted and inappropriate, especially in a professional or public setting. Examples include making jokes about someone’s body, sharing sexual fantasies, or discussing sexual experiences in a way that makes others uncomfortable.

  • Causing Any Physical Harm
    Any actions that intentionally cause physical injury to another person. This includes hitting, shoving, or using any object to cause harm. Even minor actions like pinching or slapping can be considered physical harm if done with intent to hurt.

  • Deliberate Damaging of Personal Belongings, Including Props and Costumes
    Intentionally damaging someone’s personal property, including items like costumes, props, electronics, or any other belongings. For instance, ripping someone’s costume at a cosplay event or breaking their glasses. Or causing property damage to any vendors in the venue.

  • Unwanted Physical Contact
    Touching someone without their consent, which can include hugging, patting, or even handshakes if the person has expressed discomfort.

  • Stalking
    Repeatedly following or observing someone in a manner that causes them fear or concern for their safety. Stalking can include both physical following and online activities such as excessive messaging or monitoring someone’s social media activity.

  • Harassment via Photography or Recording
    Taking photos or videos of someone without their consent, especially in private settings or situations where privacy is expected. This also includes upskirting, downblousing, or using hidden cameras or simply taking photos of a person with malicious intent when they are unaware of it.

  • Aggressive or Intimidating Behaviour
    Actions or speech intended to threaten, intimidate, or instill fear in others. This includes yelling, using aggressive language, making threatening gestures, or creating a hostile environment through body language or posture.

  • Inappropriate or Unwanted Behaviour Towards Minors
    Any actions or comments directed towards children or adolescents that are inappropriate or unwelcome. This includes physical contact, such as touching or hugging without consent, and verbal actions, such as making sexual jokes or comments about their appearance. We would like to emphasize that this includes comments about underrage characters as well as that can cause others to be concerned for their safety or safety of other minors.

  • Unsolicited Comments About Someone’s Gender, Appearance, or Sexuality
    Making remarks about someone’s gender, appearance, or sexuality that are unsolicited and inappropriate. Examples include commenting on someone’s body size, questioning someone’s gender identity, or making assumptions about their sexuality.

  • Insults, Name-Calling, Derogatory Language
    Using language intended to insult or demean someone. This includes calling people names, making derogatory comments about their race, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal attributes, and using slurs or offensive language.

Each person has their own understanding of what they feel is  harassment towards themselves or others, and we believe it’s important to respect that. If you ever feel harassed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any staff member or security personnel at the event, or use the contact information provided. Even if the incident includes one of our staff members/volunteers we will do our best to maintain and provide a safe environment. 

We also ask everyone to treat each other with respect and create a welcoming atmosphere of understanding and care.

If you see any of the behaviours listed above happening to someone else, please speak up and report it. Taking action, even in small ways, can make a big difference in ensuring everyone’s safety. There will be no announcement of who reported the issue, maintaining the anonymity as we are fully aware it could compromise the safety of the individual.  Yet we do not wish that people feel discouraged to report these issues! 

Let’s all work together in creating a safe space for us and our friends at J-TSOON!

Share your problem with us

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