
Anti-Harassment Policy at j-tsoon


Our team strives to provide a safe and harassment free  space for all visitors and participants of the event.

Inappropriate behaviour is something we do not condone and actively will stand against! So if you’ve experienced something like this or have witnessed it happening to someone please let us know via provided phone number, email or you may contact any staff member at the event for assistance.

 If you’ve encountered any of the listed examples below, do not hesitate to let us know!


  • Inappropriate or unwanted behaviour towards you or minors 
  • insults, name-calling derogatory language 
  • Unsolicited comments about someone’s gender, appearance or sexuality 
  • Inappropriate sexual comments and suggestions 
  • Unwelcome sexual advances 
  • Stalking 
  • Harassment via photography or recording
  • Aggressive or intimidating behaviour 
  • Unwanted physical contact
  • Causing any physical harm
  • Deliberate damaging of personal belongings which also includes participants’ props and costumes

Everyone has their own personal definition on what they experience as harassment, and it should be respected. So please feel free to contact any staff member or security personal at the event or with the provided contacts on our web page and social media.

We also urge everyone to respect one another and maintain a friendly atmosphere of understanding making sure everybody feels safe and welcome. So this behaviour policy applies to everyone during the event and online surrounding the J-TSOON community.

If you’ve witnessed something of the listed examples happening to someone please do not hesitate to report inappropriate behaviour. Inaction is part of the issue and even a small gesture can mean a lot in providing safety to somebody.

Those who have been reported or seen taking part in any of the activities that are deemed inappropriate or cause to harass others will first be issued a warning to cease their actions, but if they are reported again those will be escorted off the event premises immediately by security with no refund. That may cause a ban from future events.


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