
K-pop at j-tsoon


The KPOP Dance competition will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of November, 2024 in Kultuurikatel, Tallinn, Estonia. Stay tuned for the schedule updates on our social media channels. 

1. Nomination Categories and Age Categories:

Participants must carefully align their performances with the chosen nomination and strictly adhere to the specified performance durations.

1.1 Duo/Trio Category:

  • 2 to 3 performers are allowed on stage.
  • Performance duration of 120 seconds to 150 seconds.

1.2 Group Category:

  • 4 or more performers are allowed on stage.
  • Performance duration of 180 seconds to 210 seconds.
  • Please be aware that the stage dimensions will be provided to selected participants in the acceptance letter. The recommended number of participants on stage is 9 individuals. While participants are welcome to participate in a team with more members, please note that the festival cannot guarantee comfortable accommodation on stage during the performance.

1.3 Backup Dancers:

  • Duo and trio performers can have backup dancers, but backup dancers can only be on stage for half of the total performance time. (e.g., if the performance is 2 minutes, backup dancers should stay on the stage no longer than 1 minute).
  • Backup dancers are not counted as main performers, so they can perform in other categories.
  • ALL BACKUP DANCERS MUST BE LISTED when registering for the competition. Detailed information about their individual performances or other backup dances that they are included in, must also be provided. If all the necessary information will not be provided and performance will be selected for the competition organizers have a full right not to change an order in blocks. 
  • Each backup dancer can perform in only one group performance, even if they are not performing in the duo/trio category.
  • If backup dancers are not competing, they must buy tickets at full price.
  • No extra backup dancers are allowed in the group category, all performers must be included in a group.
  • Judges will only evaluate the duo or trio performance and will not give extra points for backup dancers.

For the SOLO competition please click here.

1.4 Age Rules:

  1. Up to 14 years
  2. 15-17 years
  3. 18+ years
  • Duo/Trio: The age category is determined by the age of the oldest participant at the time of the festival in the group.
  • Group: The age category is determined by the percentage ratio of participants’ ages. If over half of the participants fall into the 18+ category at the time of the festival, the group should choose the 18+ category. The same principle applies to the 15-17 and up to 14 age categories. In a 50-50 percentage ratio, the group is assigned to the higher age category.
  • Organizers retain the right to adjust the age category in case of discrepancies. Participants will receive advance notification via the email provided in the application.
  • The organizers have the full right during the selection process to choose an appropriate number of performers in all age categories to ensure fair competition in each category.
  • Please note that each category has a different level of performance availability, and respect for the performances that have been selected within each category is mandatory.

2. Performance Restrictions:

Each participant has the opportunity to perform on stage twice (1+1), following these options:

  • 1 duo/trio + 1 duo/trio performance different group lineups (1+1);
  • 1 duo/trio + One Group performance different group lineups (1+1);
  • Participants not performing in the duo/trio category, can perform in up to 2 groups, provided they use different group lineups (1+1).
  • The organizers maintain the right to control the overall number of performances to ensure a seamless event. Due to the limited slots available, it’s crucial to note that the selection of both performances for participation cannot be guaranteed.
  • Participants can showcase a dance by a Korean choreographer, and the music is not restricted to Korean songs. Additionally, participants can perform any KPOP idol(artist) songs that are not Korean, such as ‘Titanic’ by Jackson Wang or ‘Honey’ by LAY, etc.
  • Live vocals are prohibited during the performance, and all performances must adhere to the format specified in the application.
  • Please note that you can choose only one of the two main competitions—either KPOP or Cosplay. If you choose KPOP, you are still allowed to participate in the “Short Video” and “Photo cosplay” competitions. Cosplay main competition participants are still allowed to participate in the “KPOP in Public” online competition. Kindly choose according to your priorities.

3. Application and Selection Process:

  • Video of the Performance: To be considered for participation, all applicants must submit a video showcasing their practice or performance of the dance they intend to perform. Participants need to submit a video of their own performance, not a video of the artist’s performance. This video is a mandatory requirement for selection into the event.
  • Participants are required to share a video of their full dance rehearsal using any file exchange platform. It’s crucial that participants confirm the access rights of the link, ensuring organizers can view the submitted videos without any issues. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may lead to disqualification from the selection process.
  • There are several popular file exchange platforms that participants can use to share their dance rehearsal videos. Here are some commonly used options:
  1. YouTube: Participants can upload their rehearsal videos as unlisted or private and share the link with organizers.
  2. Google Drive: Participants can upload their videos to Google Drive and share the link with viewing permissions.
  3. Dropbox: Participants can upload videos to Dropbox and share the link with appropriate access permissions.
  4. OneDrive: Microsoft’s OneDrive is another option for participants to upload and share rehearsal videos. 
  • Music: The performance audio track should be in MP3 format, with a minimum bitrate of 128kbps and a sample rate of 44kHz.
  • Reference Picture: Each participant must provide a reference picture of the K-POP group or idol whose dance they will perform on stage.Participants without a reference picture clearly showing the idol’s costume, or with no idols at all, will be excluded from the best costume prize.
  • Participants must provide information about any other performances they are involved in. If all the necessary information will not be provided and performance will be selected for the competition organizers have a full right not to change an order in blocks. 

3.1 File Naming Rules:

  • Video: performer name_name of a KPOP artist_name of the song_video
  • Music: performer name_name of a KPOP artist_name of the song_music
  • Reference Picture: performer name_name of a KPOP artist_name of the song_reference picture


  • JTsoon team_EXO_love shot_video
  • JTsoon team_EXO_love shot_music
  • JTsoon team_EXO_love shot_reference picture

PLEASE NOTE! This is only an example. You should not call your team the “JTsoon Team”. This is an example of what the file naming should look like.

Incorrectly named files may lead to disqualification.

3.2 Selection Process:

  • We are aiming for a total of 80-90 performances, depending on the length of each selected performance. Please note that we have a limited amount of time on stage, so as organizers, we reserve the right to limit the total number of entries. Due to this, we prioritize inclusivity and aim to allow participants of all experience levels to take part.
  • Participants will be notified of their selection via the email used for the application. Share this information with all members of the group or duo/trio.

4. Age-Appropriate Dances:

  • It is important that all dances are appropriate for the age of the participants.
  • Teams with members under 18 years old must strictly adhere to this rule.

5. Costumes and Stage Appearance:

  • All participants, regardless of age category, must wear shorts under skirts or dresses, and the shorts should be visible enough for judges and the audience to confirm their presence.
  • It is recommended to choose comfortable footwear suitable for dance performances to avoid possible injuries.

6. Judging Criteria:

Judges are bound by confidentiality and are prohibited from disclosing details about the judging process or outcomes. A respectful environment is maintained and attempts at bribery will not be effective.

6.1 For Dance Competition:

  • Synchronization: Evaluate the seamless coordination of movements among participants for a visually captivating performance.
  • Precision: Assess the accuracy and sharpness of individual and group movements, showcasing mastery and attention to detail.
  • Choreography: Evaluate how closely the choreography adheres to the original.
  • Performance (Artistry/Charisma/Spectacle): Assess the artistic expression, charisma, and overall stage presence, focusing on how well participants connect with the audience.
  • Overall Impression: Assesses how well the seamless coordination, precision, adherence to choreography, artistic expression, charisma, and stage presence come together to create a fantastic and engaging performance, evaluating the overall impact and enjoyment factor.

6.2 Best Costume Prize:

  • Similarity to the Original: Evaluate the costume’s intricacy and how well it aligns with the original.
  • Costume Presentation on Stage: Evaluates how the costumes appear on stage and how they enhance the performers’ presence, contributing to the overall visual appeal of the performance.
  • Comfort and Additional Details: Evaluate the comfort of the costume, any additional elements incorporated, and the quality of execution.

Please be mindful of rule violations related to costumes and stage appearance. The fourth judge reserves the right to deduct 5 to 10 points for any performance breaking these regulations.  Participants are requested to familiarize themselves with the specific instructions provided.

7. Nominations:

7.1 For the dance competition, the awards will be:

  • Up to 14: Duo/Trior top 3 places. Group top 3 places. 
  • 15-17: Duo/Trior top 3 places. Group top 3 places.
  • 18+: Duo/Trior top 3 places. Group top 3 places.
  • For the Best Costume category – awards will be given to the top 3 placements
  • Judges favorite: 4 places

7.2 The Spooky Mood prize

The Spooky Mood is a special nomination created to celebrate the atmosphere of the J-TSOON: Burning Pumpkin Fest event!

  • This year, we will be awarding 1 performance that has the spookiest vibe of them all. The judges of The Dance competition and the Costume competition will select the winning performance.
  • Please take into consideration that for this prize the vibe of the song, the vibe of a performance, and the costumes will be evaluated.

An example of songs suitable for this nomination: ATEEZ – THE BLACK CAT NERO

8. Organizational Matters Related to Performances:

  • For the safety of performers, the presence of liquids, gasses, or chemicals on stage is strictly prohibited.
  • Clarify any questions regarding music, lighting, and equipment during the rehearsal. No changes will be made during the competition, making attendance at rehearsals crucial.
  • Rehearsal schedules and organizational details will be provided after successfully passing the selection for the competition.
  • Participants must be backstage no later than five acts before their performance to inform organizers of their presence in advance. After this, participants cannot leave backstage for other reasons than performing on stage.
  • In each category, participants must choose a MAIN CONTACT person and provide their contact phone number as the primary one. This is necessary for timely communication with participants if their performance starts earlier or if they are not present at the appointed time, as indicated above. If participants are not backstage at the appointed time and do not answer calls from the organizing committee, their performance will be rescheduled to the end of the block. This rule applies to all participants of duets/trios, and groups.
  • Participants are urged to inform organizers promptly if they are unable to attend the event and perform, before the start of the competition blocks. After the start of the participant’s competition block, the organizers may not respond to calls and messages due to a busy schedule.
  • Please take these rules seriously. If a participant does not show up backstage at the appointed time, does not notify the organizers, and does not respond to their calls, they will be disqualified, and there will be no ticket refunds.

9. Tickets:

  • Selected participants are entitled to a special discount on a 2-day event ticket. Please only purchase tickets once performance registration is approved by our KPOP Team.
  • If a participant buys an early bird or full-price ticket before the results are announced, the festival has full rights not to refund the ticket that was purchased without a discount. 
  • Those participants who are involved in backup dancing but not participating in the main competition themselves, are allowed backstage but must purchase a full-price ticket.
  • Duo/trio and group is allowed to have only one assistant. The assistant is allowed to be backstage but will need to purchase a full-price ticket.
  • Upon morning registration, each participant will be issued a special wristband, serving as a crucial ticket pass that must be kept from being removed for two days. If a participant registers and obtains a wristband on the first day but loses it the following day, the participant will have to buy a new ticket at the full price. Preserve wristbands to prevent incurring additional expenses.
  • Note that the option to report wristband issues is only available during the festival. After the first day of the event, organizers will not accept complaints about lost or damaged wristbands. 

10. On-site registration:

  • Before proceeding to the backstage area, all participants must complete their registration at the KPOP registration desk, where they will receive their badges.
  • Each participant must present a document (ID card or passport) confirming their age during on-site registration on the event day.
  • This document is necessary to verify compliance with the indicated age category in the application.
  • All participants must arrive at the designated registration time, which will be provided in the email after the application is accepted. Lateness may result in exclusion from the list of performers or rescheduling to another day. Registration time will be provided to participants who have passed the selection one week before the event.
  • Those participants who are involved in backup dancing but not participating in the main competition themselves must attend the registration process alongside the duo/trio participants. This is necessary for the competition registration and to obtain a badge allowing access backstage. If backup dancers arrive after the registration period has closed, they will be unable to receive a badge and will not have access to the backstage.
  • Assistants are also required to attend the registration process alongside the participants they are assisting. This is necessary for the competition registration and to obtain a badge allowing access backstage. If assistants arrive after the registration period has closed, they will be unable to receive a badge.
  • If, for any reason, participants are unable to participate, please inform us promptly by contacting us at kpop@j-tsoon.ee.

11. Backstage Behavior:

  • Participants must maintain order in the dressing rooms, refrain from scattering personal items, and clean up after themselves.
  • Respectful behavior toward the organizers, staff, judges, and other K-Pop and Cosplay participants is mandatory!
  • Changing clothes and leaving personal belongings are only allowed in specially designated dressing rooms for K-Pop participants. Leaving items in Cosplay dressing rooms or other unauthorized areas is not permitted.
  • If the group does not perform on the second day of the event, they must vacate the dressing room by the end of the first day to ensure the comfort of the groups performing the next day.

11.1 Responsibility for Personal Belongings:

  • The organizers are not responsible for any lost items. Participants are kindly asked to take good care of their valuables and not leave them unattended.

11.2 Procedure After the Completion of the First and Second Days of the Festival:

  • At the end of the first day, participants are allowed to leave their belongings in the dressing rooms overnight. However, it is recommended not to leave valuable items as the event is not responsible for their safety.
  • After the completion of the second day, participants must retrieve all their belongings from the dressing rooms.
  • All participants must promptly vacate the premises 40 minutes after the conclusion of the event on the first and second day.

12. Disqualification and Non-Selection Criteria:

  • Failure to comply with all specified rules and guidelines.
  • Disrespectful behavior toward organizers, staff, judges, and other participants.
  • Failure to align performances with the chosen nomination and specified performance durations.
  • Incorrect declaration of participants’ ages or failure to adhere to the specified age category rules. Providing false age information during registration or on-site registration.
  • Failure to submit a video showcasing the practice or performance of the dance intended for the competition.
  • Submission of a video of the artist’s performance instead of the participants’ own performance.
  • Incorrectly named files.
  • Inaccessible video links due to improper file exchange settings.
  • Duo/Trio performers have backup dancers on stage for more than half of the total performance time.
  • Failure to list all backup dancers during registration or exceeding the permitted number of group performances by backup dancers.
  • Participants performing in more than the allowed number of performances (1+1)
  • Use of live vocals during the performance.
  • Performing in both K-pop and cosplay competitions.
  • Performances do not align with the age category of the participants, especially for those under 18 years old.
  • Costumes that do not adhere to the age-appropriateness rule.
  • Presence of liquids, gasses, or chemicals on stage.
  • Lateness or absence during the designated on-site registration time.
  • Failure to present age-confirming documents during on-site registration.
  • Failure to notify organizers if unable to attend or perform.
  • Participants not backstage at least five acts before their performance.
  • Loss of wristbands and not obtaining a new ticket for the full price.

Participating in any form of cheating, rule-breaking, or disregard for the rules will result in disqualification from future J-TSOON events.

Note: The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the rules and regulations of the competition to ensure fair judging, maintain order, and ensure the safety of all participants.

By applying to the competition the competitors agree to adhere to the rules.

For any additional questions, please reach out to our email kpop@j-tsoon.ee.



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